Saturday 14th September - 11am Mass, 11.30am Confession & Rosary, 5pm Mass
Sunday 15th September - 9.15am Mass (Children's Mass), 11.15am Mass, 5pm Mass (Youth Mass)
WEEK OF 16th September
Monday 16th September - Church Closed
Tuesday 17th September - 11am Mass, 7.30pm Rosary
Wednesday 18th September - 11am Mass
Thursday 19th September - 11am Mass
Friday 20th September - 11am Mass
Saturday 21st September - 11am Mass, 11.30am Confession & Rosary, 5pm Mass, 5.30pm Confession
Sunday 22nd September - 9.15am Mass (Children's Mass), 11.15am Mass, 5pm Mass (Youth Mass)
Homilies for week of 16th - 22nd September
Mission Statement: I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord. I repeat what I want is your happiness. PH 4:4-4
Homily - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 15th September
The first line from the Prophet Isaiah at today's Mass is -
"The Lord has opened my ear."
We are at Mass to undergo the same experience. The first main part of the Mass is the Liturgy of the Word. It is a Bible service. It is the part of the Mass where we listen to the Bible readings and where we allow the Word of God to leave the page and come into our mind and heart and soul.
God wants each of us to have an opened ear to listen, to hear and to understand His word contained in the Bible.
Every Mass we should prepare our ears to hear and to be taught by God through His Word. We can pray before we leave the house or as we walk or drive to Church or we can pray as we kneel in Church before Mass to have open ears. We need our hearts and our souls to be open to the Scripture readings so that the power of the Word of God can challenge us and convert us and encourage us.
May every Mass bring an anticipated joy of what we will hear in the Bible readings during the Liturgy of the Word. Let us truly look forward to the Scripture readings at Mass because as the Scriptures themselves say - "The Word of God is Alive and Active..."