
Heating Update:
Thank you for your understanding last weekend as we celebrated Masses without any heating. The electrician has traced the fault (water ingress) and has made a repair, and all but two of the heaters are now working again. As such, Sunday Masses will be celebrated as normal this weekend but the challenge of trying to heat any big space, means it is always advisable to dress warmly.
Saturday 8th February - 10am Sacrament of Reconciliation for FHC children, 4.15pm Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 9th February - 8.30-9am Confession, 9.15am Family Mass followed by coffee in the Parish Centre, 10.30-10.50 Confession, 11.15am followed by coffee in the Parish Centre (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 5pm Youth Mass, 5.45pm Confession
WEEK OF 10th February
Monday 10th February - 11am Mass
Tuesday 11th February - Church Closed, Father's Prayers in Church
Wednesday 12th February - Church Closed
Thursday 13th February - 11am Mass
Friday 14th February - 11am Mass
Saturday 15th February - 4.15pm Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 16th February - 9.15am Family Mass, 11.15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 5pm Youth Mass
Fr Simon's Reflections for week of 10th February - 15th February
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time C, Diocesan Pastoral Plan Update - Guildford Area
The Diocesan Pastoral Plan is called the 'Word who is Life' taken from the First letter of St John which summarises the Mission of the Apostolic Church. The Apostles tell us all that they have 'heard, seen, and touched', concerning Jesus, the 'Word who is life'. They testify and proclaim to us the eternal life of the Blessed Trinity which is made manifest in the gospel. As Bishop Richard said in his Pastoral Letter (12th Jan), discussions around 'structures' must always serve our mission to announce the gospel in the pastoral area that is currently the 'Deanery of Guildford', but which is due to become the 'Parish of Guildford'.
One Parish, Three Hubs, Fifteen Communities:
We are currently structured: Diocese, Deanery, Parish.
What we will become:
Diocese, Parish, HUB, Community.
Thus, we envisage that the Parish will be called:
And we envisage the HUBS will be:
Guildford Town Centre, North, and South.
Guildford Town Centre will be comprised of the Communities: St Joseph's (Town Centre), St Mary's (Ryde's
Hill), St Pius X (Merrow) and St Edward's (Sutton Park).
North will be comprised of the Communities of: St Joan of Arc (Farnham), Holy Family (Heath End) and Holy Angels (Ash).
South will be comprised of the Communities of: St Edmund's (Godalming), St Joseph's (Milford), St John's (Farncombe), O.L. of Lourdes (Haslemere), St Anselm's (Hindhead), St Teresa's (Chiddingfold), Christ the Redeemer (Cranleigh) and St Thomas More (Bramley).
In practical terms, it seems likely that there will be:
At Parish Level -
• a 'steering committee' to support the Clergy in Parish decisions, made up of a Chair, a representative from each HUB and a Finance representative. This committee maintains the high level strategic and financial overview of the whole Parish.
• a 'pastoral council' made up of a representative of each community. Members are nominated by the HUB pastoral teams and this consultative body meets termly.
At Hub Level - where much of the everyday decisions will be carried out:
• a Finance Committee,
• a Pastoral Team.
At Community Level -
• a wide range of administrative liturgical, pastoral and spiritual activities that works alone or in co- operation with another community in the HUB for the benefit of God's people and the pastoral mission.
As we get more details of how the Pastoral Plan is implemented in our 'Parish' / 'Community', we will pass this information onto you, so we will all know how we can be involved.
Fr. Simon.