19 Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DJ




Saturday 11th January - 4:15 Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 12th January - 8:30am - 9:00am Confessions, 9:15am Family Mass,
10:20am - 10:50am Confessions, 11:15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense),
5pm Youth Mass

WEEK OF 13th January

Monday 14th January - 11am Mass
Tuesday 15th January - Church closed, 7:30pm Father's Prayers
Wednesday 16th January - Church closed
Thursday 17th January - 11am Mass
Friday 18th January - 11am Memorial Mass for Anne Marie Watkins RIP


Saturday 18th January - 4:15 Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 19th January - 9:15am Family Mass, 11:15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 5pm Youth Mass

Fr Simon's Reflections for week of January 13th - January 17th









Bazaar Information


The Baptism of the Lord C 'you are my beloved Son: with whom I am well pleased'.

At the 'Baptism of the Lord', Jesus' divinity is affirmed by the Father's voice from Heaven. Having no need to submit to John's 'Baptism of Repentance', he does so as a gesture of his self-emptying and solidarity with us - He is Emmanuel - God with us! This feast invites us to ponder our own Baptisms, so today is a good opportunity to bless new Holy Water and carry out the 'Penitential Rite' using the 'Rite of Sprinkling' to remind ourselves of that moment when we renounced sin and became a new creation in Christ.

Starting this weekend, on 2nd Sunday of each month (except May), as well as the 4.15pm Saturday Confessions, I will also hear confessions on Sundays:
• from 8.30am to 9am,
• from 10.20am to 10.50am,
• after 5pm Sunday Mass 'for the Youth'

The 'Code of Canon Law' asks Catholic parents to ensure their children are baptised without delay so that they can grow and participate in the life of grace. The first step is to speak with me after your usual Sunday Mass, so I can be assured that the child will be brought up in the practice of the faith. Then, at a follow-up appointment, we will discuss the required preparation.

The Parish has five adults preparing for the Sacraments at Easter 2025 and we look forward to journeying with them, standing in solidarity with them through their preparation, especially during the 'scrutinies' during Lent and being present (if possible) at the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night. It is not too early for any adult thinking about Baptism of Reception into Full Communion at Easter 2026. Now is the time to start consolidating your place within the Community of Faith, completing what is known as the 'pre-catechumenate', becoming a regular at Sunday Mass for at least six to nine months before we start the next RCIA course in October 2025.

'May Almighty God cleanse us of our sins, and through this Sunday's Eucharist make us worthy to share at the table of his Kingdom'. Fr Simon.


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