19 Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DJ




Saturday 20th - 5pm Mass, 5.30pm Confession
Sunday 21st July - 9.15am Mass (Children's Mass), 11.15am Mass, 5pm Mass (Youth Mass)

WEEK OF 22nd July

Monday 22nd July - Church Closed
Tuesday 23rd July - 11am Mass, 7.30pm Rosary
Wednesday 24th July - 11am Mass
Thursday 25th July - 11am Mass
Friday 26th July - 11am Mass

Saturday 27th July - 10am Wedding


Saturday 27th - 5pm Mass, 5.30pm Confession
Sunday 28th July - 9.15am Mass (Children's Mass), 11.15am Mass, 5pm Mass (Youth Mass)

Homilies for week of 22nd - 28th July

Mission Statement: I want you to be happy, always happy in the Lord. I repeat what I want is your happiness. PH 4:4-4

Sea Sunday


Parish Charity: ARCAID








Bishop's Plan


Homily - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st July

Our Entrance Antiphon says this, from Psalm 53 -

"See, I have God for my help."

How simple this statement is.

But how deep it is!

Evangelisation is sharing our faith with other people. This is one way to evangelise.

Simply let the above verse from the Bible live in us by being aware often that it is absolutely true that God is my help. This will be seen by other people.
Another important thing is to note how personal this is. This is a personal statement of faith that I make about myself and my own life. It is a witness from me to other people that I am a believer, I am a Christian.

Our God, who is with us, is for all other people too. Every person on earth is welcome to receive the free gift of faith so that they too can make the simple yet profoundly life-changing faith statement - I have God for my help!

Notice too that the statement of faith includes an outreach, a witness to others because it begins with See. It is expecting that we will not keep our faith to ourselves but that we will say to others at the right moment - "See, I have God for my help "!

Whether at home or gathering in the Church for Mass our loud shout out to everyone is -

See, I have God for my help!


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