From a financial perspective we are surviving COVID thanks largely to our standing order donors and tight expense management
- Expenditure cut by 30%
- Offertory down by over 20%, mainly cash on the collection plate.
- Cashless donations relatively small percentage.
At the end of June, the main parish unrestricted bank account is effectively zero. No reserves! But we are covering our expenses - just!
The Development fund is £21,000 - a small amount compared with the vast expense soon needed to replace the church roof.
A vision of the future is that everyone who regards themselves as a Catholic and member of our community makes a tangible commitment to support keeping St Joan's paying its way by taking out a standing order. These orders can be for as little as one pound per year - or as much as the individual feels appropriate.
The subject nobody talks about - when asked in anonymous surveys what their religion is, a lot of people say Catholic. They want to be:
- married in a church,
- attend a Christmas service,
- have their children Baptised,
- attend a Catholic school,
- get First Communion and maybe Confirmation.
- They would also like to be able to turn to the church in times of need.
- Finally, they would like a Catholic funeral.
But they don't feel they have to attend mass every week and they don't feel they need to contribute to the costs necessary to have this service available when they want to use it.
If you see yourself in these comments could I talk directly to you.
- We understand your views
- You are always welcome to join in our activities
- Please consider setting up a standing order to help us fund our services being available for when you want to use them. One pound a year is fine though obviously we would prefer you to decide your own figure - what the service availability is worth to you.
For you to do
Those with a current standing order
1) Accept our sincere thanks for keeping us going
2) Review your financial position and consider changing the amount. In the current environment reducing the amount may well be appropriate.
Those without a standing order
1) Know you are loved and will be welcomed regardless of anything that has gone on before.
2) If you don't already have one, complete a standing order form, copies in the porch.
3) and if a taxpayer why not Gift Aid it
For those who like the detail, click for the fuller financial results Hard copies are also in the entrance.
Talk with me or other members of the finance committee outside church or contact me in your own time.
Jim O'Donnell jimandjane.odonnell@btopenworld.com, 01252 782802
Contact: All enquires about Standing Orders, One off donations, Gift Aid or any other contributions should be emailed to Anne Connolly, anne.connolly4321@gmail.com
Standing order -this is the best way of giving to the Parish, it helps to ensure a regular flow of income, and helps the parish finance committee in its planning and budgeting. To set up a standing order, download Standing Order Form. If you are eligible for gift aid please download Gift Aid Form. To amend your existing standing order, please contact your bank. Email this form to Anne Connolly, anne.connolly4321@gmail.com or hand it to Father Simon at Mass.
The Parish account details are:
Account: St Joan of Arc
Sort code: 40-05-20
Account number: 41077473
One-off donation: Please transfer the money as above direct into the parish bank account.
Gift Aid: If you already make your donations to the Parish under the gift aid scheme, please give your gift a number as a reference in the bank instructions. If you can't remember your number, please email Anne Connolly, anne.connolly4321@gmail.com.
Join Gift Aid: If you would like to join the gift aid scheme, download a GIFT AID FORM.
Alternative: if you don't have the facility to make payments electronically, cheques or envelopes can be dropped into the letter box by the glass door of the Centre.
Thank you for your continued support
Jim O'Donnell, Chair of the finance committee
Finance Committee
The Parish Finance Committee is responsible for providing advice and support to the Parish Priest. As well as matters relating to parish income, expenditure and capital, its responsibilities include the maintenance of parish property, ensuring conformance with Health & Safety regulations and dealing with licensing and agreements. Its members are:
Chairman: Jim O'Donnell
Parish Priest: Father Simon Dray
Parish Accountant: Rachel Bonser
Secretary: Mylah Langaman
Gift Aid administrator: Anne Connolly
Property maintenance, Quinquennial programme: William Woellwarth
Fund Raising: Michael Maher
Other Members: Adrian Hargrave & John Dick
Collection, counting and banking rotas
In addition to the above, members of the committee are involved in several other areas of parish activity including fund raising. They can be approached on these and any other matters relating to the parish's financial, property and legal interests.
Gift Aid
Let the Taxman contribute towards your contribution to the Church.
The Government introduced a revised Gift Aid Scheme in April 2000 allowing any Taxpayer to make Charitable contributions by either Bankers Order, cheque or cash. This allows us to claim back the tax element at the basic rate of (22%) on any contributions you make to the Church at the Offertory, 2nd and special collections. If you would like details, please e-mail the Parish and one of our Gift-Aid Officers will be pleased to provide you with details. Click to download a GIFT AID FORM. Please return it to Anne Connolly, anne.connolly4321@gmail.com.
200 Club
Members contribute £12 a year and have the chance of winning a £50 prize each month or a £100 prize twice a year. The money goes towards defined projects in the parish. Contact Liz Owen, stjoansoffice2@btinternet.com, put '200 Club' in the subject line.
Our main fund raising requirement is for Building Maintenance, see below. To meet this debt we hold regular fund-raising social events and we also look for outright gifts and bequests.
Fund raisers are required. Do you have any experience or expertise or enthusiasm? If so, please contact Michael Maher, stjoansoffice2@btinternet.com, put 'Fund raising' in the subject line
Gifts and Legacies
Please remember your Church in your Will? Your Catholic Church in Farnham has benefited from legacies over many years-- for example:
The generous bequests from the Borelli family funded the original altar and improvements in the Church,
Half of the cost of the Parish Centre came from the substantial legacy from the Wright Family.
In recent years we have received some legacies which have gone to benefit the current generation of St Joan's parishioners. Looking to the future, we ask that you consider making provision in your will, to aid future generations of worshipers at St Joan's. Click here for more details on How to make a Bequest
Here is an example of a Typical Wording of a Codicil to an existing will.
Bequests to the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton
You may like to consider making a bequest. Get more information - How to make a Bequest