Parish Youth Club/Helping Others
St Joan's Youth Club
There is NO current Yout Club in the parish.
If you are interested please PLEASE CONTACT US NOW - Father Simon at or parish office at
We are looking for volunteers, see below an overview of what is needed.
1. Can you come and join others even occasionally to help with a wide range of activities for boys and girls.
2. Have you a skill or talent to share - at a one off session ? Perhaps a hobby or something you are passionate about ? Your involvement would be very much appreciated. All helpers are given a big, big Thank You.
Note: All leaders must be DBS checked before working with under 18's. The Parish pays for this process.

Helping Others
Passionate About Helping Others Overseas?
Are you a Catholic aged between 16 and 24 and want to volunteer to help those less fortunate on projects in different parts of the world or as a helper on HCPT or Diocesan pilgrimages?
If you are worried that you might not be able to raise all the money to take part in these projects, then contact the Catenian Bursary Fund which is available for just this purpose.
For full details visit the website at