19 Tilford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8DJ

St. Joan's Annual Bazaar

Event Information

This year's Parish Bazaar will be held on Saturday 30th Nov, from 10.45am - 1.30pm.

If you are having a sort out of your home, please look out for 'new' items and any unwanted gifts that could be donated for the Raffle/Silent Auction/Christmas Bazaar.

If you would like to help set up the Centre on Friday 29th November or would like to offer to help on the day in any capacity, please put your name and contact details on the sheet in the porch or email anne.connolly4321@gmail.com / pollyrussell63@gmail.com

(We have limited storage please bring items in ONLY on the weekends 9/10th Nov, 16/17th Nov, 23/24th Nov.)